What Are The Most Common Triggers For Anaphylaxis

Allergies are not lethal, but if they are prolonged, the allergic reactions might escalate to something which can be out of control even for allergy specialist doctors. Anaphylaxis is the main reason in death in people with allergies. Here are some things you need to know which can cause anaphylaxis to become severe.


Food is a huge culprit when it comes to anaphylaxis. People with allergies have more of a chance of dying from consuming foods which don’t sit well with their system and digestive tract. Some foods which can be lethal for people with weak immune systems are:

  • Peanuts
  • Pine nuts
  • Almonds
  • Wheat
  • Gluten
  • Dairy foods like milk, cheese, yogurt
  • Cashews
  • Walnuts
  • Soy, and the list goes on

People can be allergic to many different foods and this can be a huge trigger of anaphylaxis. People can choke on this food, the blood supply to the brain might stop, they might feel seizures all over their bodies and more things can happen which are the symptoms of an anaphylactic shock.

Something needs to be done about this shock to the system because time is of the essence and if things don’t go at a rapid pace, as far as treatment is concerned, then a person can go into severe shock and ultimately it might cause difficulty in breathing and the heart might stop beating too. These foods are quite dangerous for some people, so allergy tests should be done as soon as possible, so that their consumption can be stopped and alternatives are found for them.


Insects are also a main trigger for a lot of allergic reactions and they can also contribute to the symptoms of anaphylaxis. Some insects which can cause anaphylaxis or its symptoms are:

  • Bees
  • Hornets
  • Ants
  • Wasps

Insect bites have no such harm, but if they have certain fluids coming out of their bodies which can be transmitted in your bloodstream, then it might be a huge problem. Things like difficulty in breathing and swollen nose and face is very common. Now, swelling, if it occurs in the throat, may cause a lot of problems. People can choke on it. Air might not be able to pass through it and so on.

In this case, an auto-adrenaline injector may be supplied to a person who is going into anaphylactic shock. This will allow the symptoms to alleviate and the body will start working properly after some time, if the severity isn’t too high. If the matters are far gone, then it’s best to visit an emergency room and have things dealt with the right way. You don’t want to take any chances.


There are several materials which might also cause severe allergic reactions to some people. Things like latex, rubber and even some specific clothing materials can be quite dangerous for some people who are prone to getting severe allergic reactions.

Latex allergies are very common and although they are not lethal, if the symptoms are not treated on time, it may cause the person to go into anaphylactic shock. So, it’s best to always point out the fact that latex bothers your immunity and you need different alternatives for it. You don’t want to get hit with severe symptoms of anaphylaxis, when it can be easily prevented.


It’s surprising how a simple and lifesaving drug can be lethal for a specific person. Medications also need to be administered carefully to someone who is prone to allergies, otherwise the medication will do more bad than good.

Some specific antibiotics and aspirin can be lethal for a person with a weak immune system. Tests can be done to show the sensitivity of these drugs for an allergy patient. But it’s better not to give a sensitive person these drugs, when you know very well that it doesn’t suit them.


There you have it! The main goal here is to reduce the severity of anaphylaxis as much as possible, so that a simple allergic reaction doesn’t become a medical emergency. If you have allergies, go to an allergy center to find out the things you’re allergic to and treatment advice for severe cases. Moreover, make sure to avoid the triggers. Good luck!

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