How To Plan A Room Addition

Planning a room addition can be an exciting process. From the outside, it might seem easy but in reality, there are several factors that you need to consider such as the budget and home addition design. Room additions are carried out for several reasons. While some may be looking for extra space, others will try to increase their property’s value to sell it at a better price. Here are some tips that will help you plan your room addition the right way. Let’s begin!

Be Realistic About Your Budget

When it comes to room addition, one should be clear and realistic about their budget. Most of the time, people visit the architect with their needs and preferences without having an idea of how much it is going to cost. As a result, when they are quoted an estimate, they leave disappointed.

Believe it or not, this is one of the biggest roadblocks architects have to face. There is a difference in what a project is going to cost and the amount the client is willing to spend. Another important reason to be realistic about your budget is that it keeps the necessary things in check.

Homeowners will talk so much about features and additions only to find out that they are way beyond their budget. Therefore, having a realistic budget allows the architect to focus on relatively more important factors.

Consult With Experts On The Best Improvements

While room additions are exciting and provide a bit more space, but they can also be slightly tricky. You might have the entire room layout designed but without consulting an expert, you will not come to know about the pros and cons. Room additions can be simple projects if done the right way.

However, if you plan to do everything on your own, do not be surprised if you end up spending money in the future. Having an expert on your side ensures that you add the room in the right area of the house. This also might help increase the property’s value later on.

In addition to that, the room addition should be carefully planned and thought to ensure the purpose is achieved. Going straight for the project will most probably leave you at a dead end with nothing to make out of the room addition.

Find The Right Contractor For Your Job

With so much money, time, and effort on the line, you should make sure that you pick the right contractor for the job. This again can be a time-consuming process but pays in the long run. While looking for an expert, ask around and search your neighborhood.

Once you stumble upon some contractors, interview them and share your ideas. An experienced contractor can be slightly expensive but will share everything that you need to know about the room addition. At the same time, you should also go through their portfolio and hand over the task to someone who has previously done additions.

Carefully Consider Why You Want More Space

Carefully considering why you want more space is another key factor related to a room addition. In some cases, what the homeowners had thought did not turn up to be the best solution for their problem. In this respect, an expert will take a look at the entire setting of the house and suggest a better solution.

This will not only help increase the resale value but also practicality. For instance, if you want a separate playroom, an expert might suggest adding a new master bedroom and turning the old bedroom into a playroom. Additionally, bathroom and kitchen additions fetch the highest ROI.

However, if you have the budget, go for a second-story addition that will give you immense space for potentially everything. At the same time, don’t do too much. You might end up with diminishing returns on your investment.

Final Word

That’s it! The above-mentioned points will help in planning a room addition. Make sure that you define your purpose and choose the right home addition builder DC for the job. A room addition will give you the best of both worlds which are ROI and practicality if done the right way. Follow the best practices recommended by your builder to increase your house’s space and value.

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