Important aspects of family planning abortion clinics explained

There are about 35 million abortions taking place every year in developing countries. It is estimated that about 20 million of these abortions are unsafe abortions.  The family planning abortion clinic can do wonders in bringing down this disparity in death rates.

The total life lost due to these complications is about 67,000. These deaths amount to 13 % of death cases reported related to pregnancy matters in some countries. And in some other countries these deaths account to 25 % of maternal deaths. In developed counties one in 75 women die in pregnancy related problems where as it is only 1 in 7, 300 women in developed countries.

Post abortion family planning

The maternal deaths described above would have declined by about 25-35 % had these women resorted to some sort of family planning or contraceptive techniques. As a result of non use of contraceptives about 55 million pregnancies are occurring every year. Incorrect or inconsistent use of contraceptives results in about another 25 million pregnancies per year.

Role of family planning services

Proper family planning can considerably reduce the number of abortions taking place every year. There are lot of evidence to show that family planning can play an important role before a woman becomes pregnant or after an abortion is carried out. In the year 1994, an international health community pointed out that PAC or post abortion care is an important strategy that can reduce mortality rates related to abortion and miscarriage. It has also identified that providing proper counselling can prevent repetition of unplanned pregnancies and consequent abortions. PAC services are aiming at treating symptoms of sepsis and haemorrhage rather than treating the unmet need of planning the size of the family. This has led to repeated abortion as a result of unplanned pregnancy.

Many post abortion patients who lacked family planning counselling have landed in repeated induced abortion as fertility returns within 2-3 weeks of an abortion. This shows that necessity for family planning counselling immediately after an abortion has already taken place regardless of the treatment like electric or manual evacuation or sharp curettage. The place of abortion like office of the doctor, or operation theatre is not a matter of concern in this matter.

Regardless of the models involved, the post abortion family planning has a lot of benefits to individuals, families, and communities. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • Increased use of modern contraceptives
  • Decreased number of abortions
  • Reduced mortality rates of child and the mother
  • Prevention of HIV transmission from mother to the child
  • Reduced social costs

In the year 2004 alone, about four hundred articles written during the period from 1994 to 2004 on post abortion care have been accessed making use of Gray’s five levels. Grays five levels of evidence is used to find out the most effective treatment approaches. There are strong evidences which suggest the following intervention policy has to be integrated with the post abortion counselling services to increase the post abortion family planning activities by the couple who are compelled to opt for abortion.

Offer: Family planning counselling and various methods that can be easily used for family planning are suggested at the location where the women undergo emergency treatment.

Counsel: Women who have experienced miscarriage and yet want to get pregnant immediately can be advised to wait for at least six months before next pregnancy. This waiting can lead to the reduction of rapture of membrane, low birth weight, maternal anemia, pre term delivery etc.

Inform male partner: When women agrees to undergo family planning method, it is necessary to inform her husband and get his support in the matter. Visit abortion clinic washington.

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