Should I Get A Granite Tile Or Granite Slab Countertop?
- Griffin
- January 5, 2021
- Home Improvement
So, you have selected granite kitchen countertop and want to make the most of the natural stone. But wait! When choosing granite as your choice of material for kitchen countertop, you have to decide whether you want to go for slabs or tiles. Here are some things you should keep in mind about granite tiles and slabs.
Which One Is Easier To Install?
Granite slabs are very thick and obviously heavier, because their mass is huge. They are installed in one piece and they are very hard to fit on smaller countertops. So, granite slabs are used more often for freestyle kitchen islands and countertops which are not very crowded and are more evenly spaced. On the contrary, slabs are very easy to install, you just put them on top of the surface of the counter, with adhesive already applied and that’s it. Super easy!
Moving towards tiles, they are very good at being manipulated into smaller spaces and they can be made fit by reducing their size. Tiles are also easy to install, but slabs are way easier. No doubt, granite tiles are super lightweight and they don’t need a lot of manpower to move them around. On the downside, tiles can very often lead to seams, as they are not perfectly and symmetrically cut so that the design meshes with each other. This can be a bit of a problem, but nothing a little kitchen renovation can’t handle.
Which One Is Stronger Than The Other?
Obviously, slabs are stronger than tiles. The reason why is pretty obvious. The slab is thicker, more voluminous and stronger than the thinner and fragile tile. Slabs don’t break easily under impact, but tiles do and they need to be handled with care. On the flip side, because slabs are super heavy, they need more manpower to move them around. So both styles of granite have their respective pros and cons, when it comes to their dimensions.
Which One Is More Expensive Than The Other?
Granite slabs are often more expensive than their tile counterparts. Slab has more granite in it, therefore it is more authentic and pure, as compared to tiles, which are thinner and have lesser degree of granite in them. The huge mass of the slab prevents them from shattering on impact. On the contrary, tiles are more fragile and they need a lot of care when handling them. Tiles are also cheaper than slabs, almost 50% cheaper than a foot block of granite slab.
Care Of The Countertops
Slabs are smooth on top, and they don’t need a lot of care. You just need to seal them, so that they become water resistant. If not sealed, slabs can weaken over time, because water and other liquids can easily seep into them. On the other hand, tiles need more care, as they are not overly smooth on the top. They have divots and crevices in which food particles can get stuck and it can be a pain to clean. Also, you need to worry about seams in granite tiles.
Dimensions Of Slabs And Tiles
Granite is available in a variety of forms, like slabs, tiles, big boulders, etc. Talking about granite slabs, the dimensions which are usually and most commonly available in the market are a foot long in length, with varying thickness. Some common thicknesses are 3 and 4 cm. Slabs are thicker than tiles and they are mostly used for kitchen islands and longer, more continuous countertops. Granite tiles, on the other hand, are a thinner and more versatile option for smaller countertops in the kitchen. The dimensions in which granite tiles are available are either 1 foot by 1 foot, square in shape, or two by two foot, also square in shape. Granite tiles are derived or cut from the same big and thick granite slab but the only difference is the thickness and the size of the tile. Tiles are easier to downsize and make according to your kitchen dimensions.
There you have it! With these questions, you can really get down to the last detail and think about whether you want granite tiles for your kitchen or granite slabs. Make sure you check this with your granite countertop installer Raleigh NC too and discuss the cost of both options.