Do I Have Sleep Disorder?
In the past, people were not much aware about sleep disorders and hence Sleep disorder clinics came forward to create awareness about this serious issue. There are some really good tips shared by those clinics to see if you should really visit your doctor. Here you go with few of them,
- You Are Sleeping for a Very Few Hours
If you are unable to sleep for even straight four hours, then you must need to see your nearest insomnia clinic. It is because this much lesser sleep is really not normal and a clear sign of you having some kind of sleep disorder. As per doctors, we must have at least eight hours sleep every night without interruption for a healthy life pattern while sleeping for even less than four hours is a very alarming situation.
Things to know about sleep disorder
It happens when you suddenly wake up from sleep and you get an uncomfortable feeling in your body which prevents you to fall asleep back again. It could be either restless leg syndrome or if you are completely unable to even move a bit could be sleep paralysis and these both are very terrible sleep disorders. It is better to get yourself checked instead of waiting for another episode to happen again.
You Wake Up Tired
When you feel tired instead of all refreshed after having a good enough sleep then you should really be concerned as it is not a normal situation at all. Sleep disorder clinics consider it as a clear sign of sleep disorders for which you must see your doctor immediately. It happens especially in cases when you are much involved in sports or visiting gym regularly. Your body needs to recover the energy you lost in your gym through sleeping but you might need some changes in your sleeping pattern.
You Are Unable to Sleep for Long
It is simply when you are unable to fall asleep for a long time after you hit your bed. Generally, if it is more than half an hour then it is an abnormal situation which needs to be addressed. Your bedtime is all consumed while you are still struggling to sleep is a clear sign to get yourself checked. This would also lead to a tiring day due to fatigue factor arising in your body which needs to be settled with proper counselling from your physician.
You Get Carbs Cravings at Odd Timings
It usually happens when you are not sleeping enough and your body look somewhere else for getting the energy which comes through sleeping. This is when you are craving for fast foods, sugary foods or the ones having refined carbs at odd timings which should be considered a san alarming situation. As per sleep disorder clinics, it is a clear sign that your body is in desperate need of energy.
Sleep Talking, Walking or Daytime Sleepiness
If you experience sleep talking or you are taking frequent naps during the day for recovering your energy back, then you must analyze yourself instead of waiting for the signs to be become worse. Frequent naps may also lead to narcolepsy in future or sleep talking may become worst with some psychological problems so better to see the physician rather than panicking about the condition.
Your Snoring is Getting Worse
Snoring is a normal habit but doing it a lot and in louder sound is something to be concerned about. You may also experience some breathing issues or gasping issues along with snoring which can make the situation worse. Insomnia clinics are having such cases in larger number now as people are getting much awareness about the disorder instead of just ignoring the fact. So it is better not to avoid your room mates’ complains and analyze yourself if you really need a doctor.
Bonus – Some Other Normal Yet Alarming Signs
You must visit your nearest insomnia clinics if you experience below signs which are considered to be very normal yet might be alarming in future:
- Need of caffeine to stay awake during day time
- Difficulty in thinking or concentrating on anything.
- Waking up multiple times in one night
- Waking up too early in the morning time
- Unable to fall asleep at different places than your home.